Introducing Our Founder
Welcome! I am Nicole Daniels, a podcast host and Custody coach. I founded Visitation Pod in 2022 with the goal of providing the tools needed to empower parents and guardians going through high conflict custody disputes. I understand the conflict and pain child custody battles and the lack of visitation can bring to a family, because I’ve dealt with it personally. As a mother of 5 who lost custody of her son and alienated for 5 years, there were no resources available to me. I had no clue at the beginning of my high-conflict custody battle on how to proceed. I chose not to fight my situation after evaluating my lack of financial resources and inability to afford an attorney. Since, I could not afford to change it I felt helpless, defeated, like no one cared amd I didn't know how to obtain resources to learn from. Unfortunately, this affected the relationship between me, my child and his siblings, and things were never quite the same. As a survivor of parental alienation and being the targeted parent, I wish things could’ve been different. I was not equipped to take on court alone, and my choice to hope it goes away and not fight changed the trajectory of my life. I subsequently was forced to miss visits with my child and the rest of my children didn’t get the opportunity to have a relationship with their sibling for years. Being in the middle of a high-conflict custody battle had a long-term effect on me and all of my children. My goal is to make sure your family doesn’t have to go through the same negative impacts as mine. There is a way to establish a peaceful future, and Visitation Pod offers the knowledge needed to empower you so you overcome the negativity and do just that.full-width